RomanianRomână Albinuța Maya Sosi EDITED CHANNEL EXCLUSIVE
Maya the Bee Has Arrived. • SINGER: N/A • NOTE: In 2015, The first Albinuța Maya 3D debuted from a magazine company as a 24 episode dub, produced by Empire Video Production. *This dub, however, did not dub the intro. • In 2017, a company called Fast Production Film redubbed the complete first season (in its 3-part 78-episode entirety); this version was distributed as a VOD service, via TraLaLa, on YouTube. *The dub featured its intro dubbed completely in Romanian. • However, this dub does not use the original backing track for the intro; TraLaLa produced an alternate, original backing track to the Romanian-dubbed version, which can be viewed here: • Romanian/Română: Albinuța Maya Sosi (... • This version, featuring the series' official intro backing track, was brought to you by yours truly. (Subscribe. Please. Thanks.) • © Studio100