GERRY RAFFERTY Baker Street Reaction
Support Us On Patreon - / enoma • Help us continue to make honest, single-take, open, sincere and impromptu reactions like we have been doing for 45+ months on YouTube. • Source Video - • Gerry Rafferty - Baker street • No copyright infringement intended. We do not own this video. This reaction constitutes Fair Use. • This reaction is part of our Mega Reaction Fest 3 that is being organised from 11th to 30th November, 2019. • ENOMA stands for 'Easygoing Native Outsiders Making Assessments'. • We are an Indian couple residing in Mumbai. We create first-time, single take honest reactions. • We serve soulful, deep, insightful and pure reactions on a regular basis. Sometimes, the rest of the family joins us too. • Savio and me are two counselors, teachers stay-at-home parents who enjoy listening to music for the first time. • We listen to music like it should be listened to. Without pausing the songs while we listen to them. • We seek to understand a song's true meaning. We love listening to music that adds value to our lives. • We often venture deep into the heart of a song to share an educated assessment on it. • Our post-reaction analysis is based on our educational background, life experiences, and rich culture. • As counselors, we are keen listeners. Savio is excellent at analyzing lyrics. People say I have good listening skills. • As a result, viewers get to watch good reactions on ENOMA every time. • We love reacting to music from all over the world. And of different genres and styles. • It can be easily seen in the 1500+ reactions we've already created on Enoma. • We are honest in our reviews. If we like a song, we say it. And if we didn't like it, we will say so. • Our channel has the official name 'CAFE ENOMA'. We started posting videos on 12th May, 2018. • We hit 1K subscribers on 1st July, 2018. 5K on 10th December, 2018. 10K on 24th March, 2019. 15K on 15th June, 2019, 20K on 7th October, 2019. • Thank you YOUTUBE for providing an amazing platform to showcase our skills and talents. • #MegaReactionFest3 #IndianCoupleReacts