Sonic 06 End of the World Speed Run 343quot839
Livestreaming on Twitch: / parax0 • Twitter: / paraxade0 • In recognition of today's apocalypse, I decided to speedrun the final stage of Sonic 06, aptly named End of the World. This is actually a really crazy good run. The previous record was 4'35; this is 3'43. • I grinded extra lives in Tails's section before I actually started attempting the run. This lets me restart each individual section as many times as I need to get a good run through it. Most of the level was really easy... aside from Silver's section. Silver's part requires three frame-perfect extended teleport dashes, followed by an absurdly hard telefling to the Chaos Emerald. Thanks to Silver, my life count went from 99 to 0 three times before I managed to pull off a good run of it. • Soo yep. Room for improvement, but pretty damn good. Merry apocalypse! Just remember, later today the real world will be like this! Be prepared! Make sure you have protection against metal boxes randomly flying at your face!