Topological phonons Bartomeu Monserrat SOPHOT 2021
Dr. Bartomeu Monserrat is the Gianna Angelopoulos Lecturer in Computational Materials Science at the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy of the University of Cambridge. • He obtained a PhD in Physics from the University of Cambridge in 2015, and was then appointed Henslow Research Fellow (2015-19), also at the University of Cambridge. He concurrently held positions as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Rutgers University (USA, 2015-17) and later on as Winton Advanced Research Fellow (2018-19) at the University of Cambridge. • His group works on the development and use of quantum mechanical methods to investigate material properties, spanning a range of topics in the physical sciences that include topological materials, photovoltaics, superconductors, and planetary physics. This work has been recognised with the 2018 Psi-K Volker Heine Young Investigator Award. • ---------- • Heat transport is becoming increasingly important within the Research Line in Sustainable Energy Conversion and Storage Systems (RL1 at ICMAB). • Besides the fundamental scientific interest, learning how to modulate the heat flow has important applications in conventional electronics (where heat dissipation at the nanoscale is a major issue) or in the design of efficient thermoelectric materials (where materials with low thermal conductivities must be engineered). • The goal of the Severo Ochoa Workshop on Phononics and Thermal Transport (SOPHOT2021) is showcasing some of the most promising achievements in the field, promoting collaborations and bringing together both experimentalists and theoreticians working on these exciting topics. • We hope you can attend and explore the future research in this field. • •