Fraserway RV Scout Tuktut
Fraserway RV is a nation-wide recreational vehicle sales and rental dealership with Lower Mainland locations in both Abbotsford and Delta (as well as other places across Canada). • In June 2023 they announced the arrival of the Scout Tuktut to Canada. The Tuktut is a unique camper in that it's designed to fit on smaller trucks. • This video shows what we saw when we attended a media launch event announcing the new product. (Note: The camera we used to film this was a wide angle-camera which makes the camper looker larger inside than it really was. That being said, we were surprised at how spacious it was inside. From the outside, and in photos, it looked much smaller.) It's a really cool camper! • To learn more about the Tuktut and Fraserway RV, see our article at