Capacity amp Labour workshop


PLEASE SKIP TO 4:22 FOR THE ACTUAL START • It took a bit of technical juggling, but here it is: my first live broadcast - the Capacity Labour workshop! • We go into which OEE data you need about your production lines, • Bring that together into an overall machine time overview, realising that this is also the total Manned time of our machines together. • If we compare that to the total available time, we get the Asset Utilisation of each line - super valuable information when planning next year's volume targets, because you don't want to plan any line over 95%. • All this information gives us great discussion points for the operational management team - which lines should be prioritised for OEE improvements? (perhaps we can't even make next year's volumes without improving line efficiency...) • Then we bring the Labour component into it: • How many people are needed to man the line? • Multiply the Manned Machine hours with that Manning norm, and we get the nett Direct Labour requirement. • But of course our factory uses more direct labour - we've got a bunch of semi- and non-value added activities on the Labour front too: absence, trainings, administration, special rework, idling, etc. • Again great information for the operational management team to spot and discuss opportunities, strategy and priorities. • Already during the live workshop, people asked me where they can get the file I used during the presentation - it's available in two places: • 1. As a stand-alone download from my website: (scroll down a bit) • 2. It's included in the upcoming Capacity Labour challenge ( ), during which you will do this C L analysis for your department or factory with my guidance and the support of all participants. A great way to learn in practice, receive direct support on any obstacles you encounter, and immediately generate a tangible result for your organisation! • #continuousimprovement #capacityplanning #labour •


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