26 Cosmetology Relaxer Theory for State Board Written Exam
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=DXTLmWSFL8g
• (1) Cosmo:2 Class: Chemical Relaxers:... • Test • https://studio.youtube.com/video/VuP1... see Power point presentation: relaxer • (9) Cosmetology: Skin Structure and Function • https://studio.youtube.com/video/ScSK... • (8) Cosmetology: Anatomy: Circulatory Systemhttps://studio.youtube.com/video/dMXq... • (7) Cosmetology/2, Anatomy: Nerves • https://studio.youtube.com/video/L5I6... • (6) Cosmetology/2: Muscles, Myology, Anatomy • https://studio.youtube.com/video/2nHO... • (5) COSMO/2 CLASS: Anatomy- Skeletal System, Osteology • https://studio.youtube.com/video/5RIB... • (4) COSMO/2 class: ANATOMY- Tissues, Organs, Systems • https://studio.youtube.com/video/7kr2... • (3) Cosmo 2 Class: Anatomy: Cells • https://studio.youtube.com/video/_u3_... • (2) Cosmo 2: Soft Curl Permanent Class • https://studio.youtube.com/video/TlFh... • (1) Cosmo:2 Class: Chemical Relaxers: Types, pH, Lanthionization, Safety • https://studio.youtube.com/video/B-Zr... • Theory review for cosmetologists and barbers to pass the written part of the state board test to get their cosmetology and barber licenses. The most common types of relaxers are; sodium hydroxide --hydroxide relaxers, ammonium thioglycolate ATG Thio relaxers; they soften and swell the hair, break the disulfide bonds, have a pH above 10, and are highly alkaline. Thio Neutralizer has an oxidizing agent hydrogen peroxide for an ingredient, Thio relaxer procedures... Hydroxide relaxers; sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, lithium hydroxide, guanidine hydroxide... Lanthionization and lanthionine bond; lye and no lye relaxers; Metal Hydroxide relaxers; Base relaxers, no-base relaxers; Relaxer strengths: mild, medium and super; Periodic strand testing; Relaxer procedure; relaxer safety precautions and how they would react with aniline derivative dyes or metallic dyes; excessive heat is not recommended on relaxed hair. Video for cosmetologists, beauty school students, salon professionals who need to renew their license by re-taking the state board written test, foreign students with cosmetology hours who need to take the state board written test in conjunction with the practical test to get their cosmetology license. Video by BeautyHealthTravel Channel.