Deep Cycle Battle Born Lithium Battery vs Lead Acid Battery Trojan AGM
This video discusses the differences and benefits of a Lithium Iron Phosphate 12V 100ah battery by Battle Born to two 6 volt deep cycle batteries in series to create 12v. Specifically the Battle Born DL10012 BB10012 100Ah 12V LiFePO4 is compared to a Trojan 6 volt 210 ah AGM. Depth of discharge and cycle rates between the two batteries is discussed so you can decide if Lithium is in your budget. 31 lbs vs 65 lbs • Shop Price for Battleborn 12v 100Ah LFP - • Do I have to buy a special charger for Battle Born LiFePO4 batteries? • You do not need a special charger to charge your Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) deep cycle battery. The BB battery prefers to bulk charge at 14.4 volts and float at 13.6 volts. Do not equalize the BB battery. Most standard chargers can handle these settings at the AGM mode . More and more chargers are offered with lithium specific settings and they will charge the BB faster than a regular charger in most cases. • Charger Compatibility List for BB LFP Batteries • Will your current device will work to charge the BB batteries? Whether it be a solar charge controller or a marine grade converter, BB does their very best to test every charger they can. By doing so, a list has been created of chargers • that BB knows to work great with their batteries. If your charger isn’t on this list please give them a call and they will get the answer. • More info on switching to Battle Born Lithium deep cycle battery. •