Akai MPX16 Sampler Hands on Exclusive
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=D_4EfezGcYI
BUY: http://gtrgtr.uk/akaimpx16 • REVIEW: http://gtrgtr.uk/mpx16review • Akai sent us one of these beauties to demonstrate, so we got local finger drumming master Ed to give it a full play test. We also played with the built-in microphone and he showed us how easy it was to have an impromptu sample-jam session. The power of this little unit is immense - there's not much like it out at the moment so place a preorder with us to put your name on one, 'cause they'll sell like hot cakes! • *NOTE: Since time of shooting this video we managed to find the shortcut to increment by 10 when turning a parameter dial*