The worlds fastest booting PC


It takes exactly 2.2 seconds for the DOS prompt to appear after turning on the Tandy 1000RL, a 9.54 MHz 8086 XT-class computer with the startup files of MS-DOS 3.3 and DeskMate 3.04 in ROM. Adding a hard drive actually slows down the startup process on the 1000RL, because it has to wait for the hard drive to spin up and initialize before it will boot. • Is this computer still the world's fastest booting PC today, 10 years later, in 2021? Watch my new update and find out:    • Still the world's fastest booting PC ...   • p.s. For comparison, the Tandy 1000SL/2 with an 8 MHz 8086 takes 2.6 seconds to boot to MS-DOS 3.3 in ROM, and the Commodore 64 (NTSC version) takes 3.4 seconds to boot to its BASIC in ROM.


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