Genshin Impact Reputation System Guide
An overview on the Reputation system, detailing how it works and what you need to do. Summary of the information is also included below. • Mondstadt Reputation: • Requirements - AR 25 and complete Archon quest ''The Outlander Who Caught the Wind' Prologue: Act I'. • NPC: Hertha, by the East gate. • Liyue Reputation: • Requirements - AR 29 and complete the Archon quest ''Farewell, Archaic Lord' Chapter I: Act II'. • NPC: Ms. Yu, North of the Blacksmith, near the harbour. • Notes: • Bounties and Requests are locked until reputation level 2. • Bounties and Requests each have a limit of 3 per week. • Weekly reset is Monday. • These missions are tied to both cities. Doing 3 Bounties in Mondstadt means you cannot do any in Liyue within the same week. • City Quests refer to World Quests. • Increase World Exploration by opening chests, assisting Seelies, find Anemoculus/Geoculus, and unlocking waypoints (Statue of the Seven, Teleports, and Domains). • Discord: / discord • Twitch: / eckogen • Instagram: / eckogen • Like my content? Consider supporting my channel for only $1. Donations are appreciated. They are not required nor expected. Thank you for your generosity - • Thank you for watching my video. Please like and subscribe to support me. Be sure to check out my channel for more Genshin Impact videos!