Clavicle Anatomy
The collarbone is a large doubly curved long bone that connects the arm to the trunk of the body. Located directly above the first rib it acts as a strut to keep the scapula in place so that the arm can hang freely. Medially, it articulates with the manubrium of the sternum (breastbone) at the sternoclavicular joint. At its lateral end it articulates with the acromion, a process of the scapula (shoulder blade) at the acromioclavicular joint. It has a rounded medial end and a flattened lateral end. • Clavicula inf.jpg • Clavicula sup.jpg • Right clavicle—from below, and from above • Gray200.png • Gray201.png • Left clavicle—from above, and from below • From the roughly pyramidal sternal end, each collarbone curves laterally and anteriorly for roughly half its length. It then forms an even large posterior curve to articulate with the acromion of the scapula. The flat acromial end of the collarbone is broader than the sternal end. The acromial end has a rough inferior surface that bears a ridge, the trapezoid line, and a slight rounded projection, the conoid tubercle (above the coracoid process). These surface features are attachment sites for muscles and ligaments of the shoulder. • It can be divided into three parts: medial end, lateral end and shaft. • Medial end[edit] • The medial end is quadrangular and articulates with the clavicular notch of the manubrium of the sternum to form the sternoclavicular joint. The articular surface extends to the inferior aspect for attachment with the first costal cartilage. • It gives attachments to: • fibrous capsule joint all around • articular disc superoposteriorly • interclavicular ligament superiorly • Lateral end[edit] • The lateral end is flat from above downward. It bears a facet for attachment to the acromion process of the scapula, forming the acromioclavicular joint. The area surrounding the joint gives an attachment to the joint capsule. The anterior border is concave forward and posterior border is convex backward. • Shaft[edit] • The shaft is divided into the medial two-thirds and the lateral one third. The medial part is thicker than the lateral. • Medial two-thirds of the shaft[edit] • The medial two-thirds of the shaft has four surfaces and no borders. • The anterior surface is convex forward and gives origin to the pectoralis major. The posterior surface is smooth and gives origin to the sternohyoid muscle at its medial end. The superior surface is rough at its medial part and gives origin to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The inferior surface has an oval impression at its medial end for the costoclavicular ligament. At the lateral side of inferior surface, there is a subclavian groove for insertion of the subclavius muscle. At the lateral side of the subclavian groove, the nutrient foramen lies. The medial part is quadrangular in shape where it makes a joint with the manubrium of the sternum at the sternoclavicular joint. The margins of the subclavian groove give attachment to the clavipectoral fascia. • • • / • • • • • • / naaz2311 • • / • / mbbs-1278607. . • / directoralsgo • • • • • • Al-Shahida Ghafoor Organisation • • • / drmahjabeennaaz