Fire Emblem Fates Revelation Paralogue 3 Lunatic
Playlist: • Fire Emblem Fates - Lunatic Walkthrou... • Paralogue 3: Surprise Duet • Battle starts at 3:38. • This Paralogues was played between Chapters 22 and 23. • In this part... I wanted to show two more Paralogues, but sadly the footage for one of them was corrupted. So it's just Shigure's today. • Paralogue 3 is an easy battle where you'll only fight three different types of enemies. Let them come to you and take them out on your turn for a huge Experience haul. • New Units: • I got Kana today, we just didn't see it! And Shigure, too, but neither are exclusive to Revelation and so they don't get anything new on this route. • 0:00 Paralogue 2 • 2:42 Paralogue 3 • --- • All footage in the video is played, recorded and edited by me. • Follow me on twitter: / hawelo92