Pause and Place Things in 3D Prints Cura
How to pause your 3D Print and embed things like magnets inside. • A setting in Marlin firmware and a Cura plugin allows us to choose an exact layer height to stop at, have our printer wait for us to place anything such as magnets, and wait for an LCD or terminal press to resume. • 0:34 Load Model In Cura and Pre-Slice • 1:02 Finding Correct Layer for Stop • 1:30 Apply Post Processing Extension • 1:45 Detailed Settings • 3:24 Removing Extensions • 3:48 (OPTIONAL) Modifying Cura Default Values • 4:24 Export, Print, LCD Resume • Potential problems: • Doesn’t work: Pause features must be enabled in firmware/obsolete firmware • The M108 command can be used to signal a button press on the LCD, but only if EMERGENCY_PARSER is enabled in your firmware. • Octoprint Users: • Please note that when starting from Octoprint you will need to resume from within Octoprint as well. M0 must be a blocked command in order for Octoprint to handle the pause, rather than LCD. • Cavity/pocket/void isn’t empty, or printing with infill: Disable internal supports or “make overhangs printable” settings. • Thanks for watching, make sure to like the video and subscribe for more.