Navasana Aquatic Version


Aquatic Version with Pool Noodle • In this version of navasana, a pool noodle is used for floatation support behind the shoulders. Also, notice the dynamic traveling quality that appears here! • Inhale is matched with chest expansion and the hips and shoulders abducting. Exhale is matched with abdominal contraction and the hips and shoulders adducting. In addition to larger joints moving, the spine is being given an opportunity to mobilize by way of intentionally linking inhale and exhale with specific actions in the torso! • The foundational “breath-spine partnership” skill for Viniyoga movements is useful in the context of mobilizing the spine. In Viniyoga, the primary task of interest is to explore ways to mobilize the spine while keeping it stable in a variety of positions by way of specifically directing the flow of inhale and exhale. Keep in mind that there are a variety of ways to breathe productively depending on the nature of the task (i.e., breathing for singing, vs. breathing for heavy weightlifting vs. breathing for relaxation, etc.), so there’s no need to get caught up in just one way of breathing! There is value in learning how to work with your breath in a variety of contexts. • Viniyoga as a therapy involves creating a provisional intervention that incorporates multiple needs/goals for a client, so that the work is efficient and keeps the client mentally engaged and focused with high levels of coordination. Because breath is embedded in the structural work, breath rhythm can be adapted during the movement practice to produce salutary physiological changes as well as positive shifts in mental-emotional outlook! • Please support these reel productions by way of a small donation to help support production costs❤️ • Venmo: @Sandi-Tindal • #aquatictherapyrehab #aquaticviniyoga #hipflexion #lumbopelvicrhythim #viniyoga #yogatherapy #navasana #breathspinepartnership


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