STRONG German HIGHPOWERSIREN awakes The 2nd loud attempt


That is now the 2nd successful test-sequence of a very rare pneumatical high-power-siren made in Germany: It is called Pintsch-Bamag and was produced in the 60ies. Test-Signal is here fire-alert and the operating air-pressure of siren here has 11 bar (approx.160 Psi). So there comes out an awesome stunning siren-sound! The loudest pneumatical siren i´ve ever heard. • The location of siren is in Germany in Kassel (Harleshausen on the area of the voluntary FD). This very rare kind of siren was out of order for years. (Remember the last test procedure of Oct 2016:    • Sirenenprobe Kassel 2016: Letzter Pro...   ). In meantime very good decision was made to keep this siren still alive and repair this historical siren for voluntary work. (The best reward is to experience this siren in action after successful work!! Nothing else matters. ;-) ) • A very good job was done by professional expertise guys. They are interested in to keep alive such rare kind of sirens. Many THX to them. • Possibly a further siren test will come in town of Kassel in the next time. Many old sirens will replaced by newer modern electronical sirens (ECN or other sirens). And if every new siren is connected to the whole siren net of Kassel, then it is time for a big siren-test there. And be sure that this repaired pneumatical siren will be in loud ACTION like the other new ones. See u.......... ;-)


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