US forces patrol Baghdad to discuss concerns and fears with locals
(24 Feb 2007) SHOTLIST • ++PLEASE NOTE - THE AP CAMERA CREW WAS EMBEDDED WITH THE US MILITARY AND SUBJECT TO US MILITARY RESTRICTIONS++ • 1. Soldier riding a bike surrounded by local children • 2. Private First Class Mallory Schwab talking to children • 3. SOUNDBITE (English) Mallory Schwab, Private First Class Alpha Company 2nd Battalion 3rd Infantry Regiment: • Our job as females when we go out with the infantry is to search the females, if needed, if we fell they need to be searched and also to try to win hearts and minds of the Iraqi people by showing them that we're not all about killing, but also about trying to help them. • 4. Close up of Schwab with children • 5. Mid of Schwab with children • 6. SOUNDBITE (English) Mallory Schwab, Private First Class Alpha Company 2nd Battalion 3rd Infantry Regiment: • The children are the future, the children are going to be the ones that grow up and if they see that we are friendly and just here to help them then I think that it'll make a huge difference on the mindset of the overall people in Iraq. • 7. Schwab holding young child with other children gathered round • 8. Schwab and another soldier playing with children • 9. SOUNDBITE (English) Mallory Schwab, Private First Class Alpha Company 2nd Battalion 3rd Infantry Regiment: • There's times when you're like we shouldn't be here, but then you realise that we should because if these people need help and we're their chance, we're their hope, then it's all right that we're here. • 10. Schwab playing with children • 11. SOUNDBITE (English) Mallory Schwab, Private First Class Alpha Company 2nd Battalion 3rd Infantry Regiment: • It's made me appreciate things a lot more, appreciate my friends and my family just knowing that at any moment, you know something could happen what that... I could lose a body part or my life it just make me appreciate what I have back in the States (US) a little bit more. • 12. Little boy walking through gate and pointing • 13. Soldier handing out sweets to children • STORYLINE: • US troops conducting search operations in the Baghdad suburbs of Shaab-ur and Beida in North West Baghdad are being encouraged to try and win the confidence and support of the local population. • An AP Television crew embedded with Alpha Company 2nd Battalion 3rd Infantry Regiment, spoke to 20-year-old driver and Private First Class Mallory Schwab about what it was like trying to win over the hearts and minds of of people living in the Iraqi capital. • Schwab's role when out on infantry patrols is to assist in searching women who may be suspected of being involved with the insurgency, but she also tries to interact with the community in an attempt to earn their trust. • This involves talking to people about their concerns and fears, and playing games with the children. • The children are the future, the children are going to be the ones that grow up and if they see that we are friendly and just here to help them then I think that it'll make a huge difference on the mindset of the overall people in Iraq, Schwab said. • Following on from the news that Britain is planning to withdraw some of its troops from Iraq, Schwab admitted she sometimes had her doubts about the US's position. • There's times when you're like: 'We shouldn't be here'. But then you realise that we should, because if these people need help and we're their chance, we're their hope, then it's all right that we're here, she said. • Schwab, who hails from Washington and has a brother serving in the military in Germany, has completed eight months service in Iraq and is due to take leave soon. • • Find out more about AP Archive: • Twitter: / ap_archive • Facebook: / aparchives • Instagram: / apnews • • • You can license this story through AP Archive: