LEGO Star Wars Blue Shadow Virus
--------------VIDEO-------------- • Bonjour à tous, retrouvez dans cette vidéo une présentation de ma toute dernière MOC ! • Largement inspirée de l'épisode de The Clone Wars, l'ombre du Virus bleu. • N'hésitez pas à me dire ce que vous en pensez ! • 0:00 INTRO • 0:19 STORY • 1:06 MOC • --------------SOCIAL-------------- • Instagram : / brick_man_studios • Flikr : • Facebook : / brickmanofficiel • --------------PARTENARIAT-------------- • Lightailing : • Partenariat BrickLink :{ showHomeItems :1} • --------------TAG-------------- • Tag : star wars lego,star wars the clone wars,lego star wars the clone wars,star wars the clone wars season 6,clone wars season 6,lego star wars riesiges moc,lego star wars film,lego star wars movielego starwars,lego star wars clone base,lego star wars huge base,clone wars,droid attack,lego star wars base,lego how to build,lego star wars battle,lego star wars biggest base ever,biggest lego star wars base ever,lego star wars the clone wars base,lego star wars army 2016,lego star wars base,lego star wars,lego star wars 2016 clone army,lego star wars clone base 2016,lego star wars bases and armies,lego star wars best base ever,lego star wars bases,lego clone wars base,lego star wars clone base,lego star wars clone wars base and army,star wars bases,starwars lego bases,lego star wars videos,lego star wars,lego star wars the clone wars,lego star wars base,lego star wars battle,lego star wars huge base,lego star wars clone base with attack,lego star wars droid base,lego star wars seperatist base,attack the seperatist base,star wars the clone wars attack,clone wars, • lego house,lego war,lego star wars film,lego star wars clone base,lego star wars attack general grievous,star wars the clone wars season 6,lego star wars, lego film,lego star wars the clone wars,lego star wars base,star wars the clone wars,lego review, lego base,lego star wars basis,lego star wars big base,lego star wars base,lego star wars base tutorial,star wars base huge,clone trooper,star wars lego,clones,lego star wars video,lego star wars film,lego city,lego star wars biggest base,clone wars season 6,lego star wars moc,lego star wars film,lego star wars movie,lego star wars,stop motion,lego star wars imperial base,lego star wars huge base,clone wars,lego star wars rebels base,droid attack,lego star wars base,lego how to build,lego creator,lego star wars review,star wars with legos,movie with legos,star wars clones,lego jurassic world,lego worlds,lego city building,new lego video,lego clone wars,lego star,season 6,lego batman,star wars with legos,movie with legos,lego city,lego star wars biggest base ever,biggest lego star wars base ever,warsbase,clonewars,legofilm,legomovie,Lego,star,wars,moc,lego moc,moc contest,first order legos,resistance base moc,cool moc,lego giveaway,fol moc,rogue one,clone base moc,huge naboo moc,lego naboo moc,resistance hidden base moc,starkillerbase moc,takodana moc,scarif moc,huge,big,beautiful moc,these tags are so dumb,sullust moc,takodana moc,hoth moc,scarif moc is ,comming,next,if you are,reading this,wink,star wars,luke,rebellug, battlefront 2, Battlefront 2, battlefront II , naboo, theed,lego,vulture droid battlefront,how to build,star cards,power ups,weapons,thermal imploder,thermal detonator,probe