

All other nations can run out of USD if they have a prolonged trade deficit. If Canada has a 10 billion dollar trade deficit, then it's USD reserves will deplete at a rate of 10 billion a year. Unless Canada prints some CAD and uses it to buy USD. But this will significantly weekend CAD. However, the US can never run out of USD like all other nations. The US can just print USD, and its money is good everywhere. Canada and all other countries can print money, but it can only use it to buy local goods. • The US government only makes M0 money. M1 and M2 are made by US banks as they buy assets. US banks can buy assets globally without it costing banks anything at all. • Banks buy assets by merely adjusting their ledgers. The asset seller sees a billion more in his account and thus believes he was paid for the asset. But that is not what the bank has paid him . it is what the bank still owes him. Banks make 20 times more money than the government. A by-product of the 5 percent capital requirement, the same as the 5 percent reserve requirement. The US is the wealthiest nation on earth not from its economic system but from having a global money printer ... the US counterfeits all its wealth. All other countries have to earn their USD. • Keshava Aumritum •    • How Global Trade Runs on U.S. Dollars...   • Our Western world, America and Europe, is threatened with Caesarism on a scale unknown since the dawn of the Roman Empire. In order to see this threat in its proper perspective, we have to assess the relationship between America and Europe, and define their historical destinies. It is the contention of this book that expanding democracy leads unintentionally to imperialism and that imperialism inevitably ends in destroying the republican institutions of earlier days; further, that the greater the social equality, the dimmer the prospects of liberty, and that as society becomes more equalitarian, it tends increasingly to concentrate absolute power in the hands of one single man. Caesarism is not dictatorship, not the result of one man's overriding ambition, not a brutal seizure of power through revolution. It is not based on a specific doctrine or philosophy. It is essentially pragmatic and untheoretical. It is a slow, often century-old, unconscious development that ends in a voluntary surrender of a free people escaping from freedom to one autocratic master. New concentrations of power during the past fifty years of world wars, revolutions, and crises, have made this threat of Caesarism increasingly evident. Political power in the Western world has become increasingly concentrated in the United States of America, and in the office of the President within America. The power and prestige of the President have grown with the growth of America and of democracy within America, with the multiplication of economic, political,and military emergencies, with the necessity of ruling what is virtually becoming an American empire—the universal state of a Western civilization at bay. Caesarism is therefore the logical outcome of a double current very much in evidence today: the growth of a world empire that cannot be ruled by republican institutions, and the gradual extension of mass democracy, which ends in the destruction of freedom and in the concentration of supreme power in the hands of one man. This is the ominous prospect facing the Western world in the second half of the twentieth century (and 21st). But just as Caesarism could arise only in Classical Rome and not in Greece, it will, if left free to develop unchecked, arise in modern America and not in Europe. It is in Washington and not in London, Paris, or Berlin that the Caesars of the future will arise. It will not be the result of conspiracy, revolution, or personal ambition. It will be the end result of an instinctive evolution in which we are all taking part like somnambulists (sleep walkers). The evidence is all around us today, but to see it in its full magnitude we must step back into history and look at the present from a distance. We shall then have a clear perspective of the road on which we have been traveling for centuries—and a glimpse of the road that lies ahead. We shall then notice that, instead of forever inclining toward the republican left, we are in fact swinging toward the autocratic right and that it is our leftist leaders who, whenever they are in power, are unwittingly taking us in this direction. In fact, they have quite unconsciously been driving us around in a century wide circle, back to the point from which our ancestors started when they revolted in the name of liberty against the tyranny of absolute monarchs. • ~The coming Caesars De Riencourt, Amaury • • Blank Video: •    • Видеоклип  


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