Fineness test of Cement Test
Fineness test of cement is another quality control parameter that experts keep in check of at the laboratory. The size of the particles of OPC impact the surface area and the heat of hydration. • Fineness of cement is an important physical property of cement that defines the particle size and the surface area of cement particles. It is expressed in %age when determined as a modulus with sieving or units of cm2/gm or m2/kg in case when determine by Blaine air permeability apparatus. • #fineness_test_of_cement • #fineness_test • #cement_fineness • #fineness_of_cement • #physical_properties_cement • Fineness modulus is an empirical figure that is determined in the laboratory to express the total percentage of the sample of cement retained on a 90 micro meter size sieves divided by 100 as averaged. • The fineness of cement indirectly impacts the rate of hydration and thus heat of hydration. Now when you mix cement with water a layer is formed around the particles. The smaller the particles, the more the surface area, and the water requirement for hydration reaction. • Don't forget to share, like, and hit subscribe button. • Here's the original article: • ==================== • Support Us Please • ==================== • If you've liked this video, please don't forget to subscribe to our channel so that you can get notified when our new video is online. We're committed to provide technical perfect knowledge of civil engineering and construction to our community. • ============================ • Subscribe us Now • ========================= • / @saadiqbalengr • *** WEBSITE • *** FACEBOOK / iamcivilengineerdotcom • *** TWITTER / iamcivilengg