Pride and Prejudice Verbatim Chapter 18 Part 2 Ball at Netherfield Park
Part 2 of 2 of our ball. In this latter half, vexations ensue. • About the Project: • I've seen a lot of Pride and Prejudice adaptations. Maybe you have, too. What if all the most book-accurate dialogue from our favorite screen versions was stitched together into one mega-adaptation? I hope to answer that question, chapter by chapter. • A few caveats: Obviously, some phrases are straight from the book. Others are the closest version of the same information that I could find. These videos may be somewhat incomprehensible to the unseasoned Austen consumer; actors representing a character change frequently, and scenery will often not be accurate to the scenery for that part of the book. However, I hope you find some edification and amusement; true devotees will, I hope, find even more in the ways they notice that I've cut up all the well-known scenes to keep things as 'verbatim' as possible. • Commentary, questions, and constructive criticism of every stripe is more than welcome, especially if you know of an adaptation with more accurate dialogue that I've missed (who knows, I may want to go back and update this series someday). And, of course, please enjoy! • -Dashwood and Ferrars #prideandprejudice #janeausten