Homemade firewood processor BigWood Part 1
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=DrZyUEBt8Io
Firewood processor that can handle the big logs up to 24 in Diameter and 14' long. This video is a walk-around of the processor, Tool box for tools and parts, 20 hp Kohler engine, 064 Sthil chainsaw with a 27 bar, 30 gallon hyd reservoir, 6 X 30 cylinder, Auto cycle valve for splitting, 3 gang directional valve, hold down clamp, and 2 conveyors. Part 2 shows the use. • Homemade firewood processor, BigWood,... , and Part 3 • Homemade firewood processor, BigWood,... shows loading logs.