Making Filament Spool Planters
In this video, I talk about turning my empty ColorFabb Filament Spools into planters for houseplants. • The dimensions of the ColorFabb Filament Spools are roughly 200mm x 200mm x 55mm. I decided I wanted to use 0.5mm clearances, so I was working with a cylinder with a 201mm diameter instead. • Each planter consist of three 3D Printed pieces: • 1) One Bottom Piece (which you may need to angle to fit on smaller print beds) • 2) Two Side Panels. • I have been spray painting my final pieces with a Rust-Oleum Hammered Copper Paint which does produce a nice textured finish. • For assembly, I have simply been using Goop from my local craft store. • • Back in the spring, I did my original modeling in Blender. I was not at my most efficient, I: • 1) Clicked the Duplicate button to make copies of Faces from a reference Cylinder • 2) Used the Mesh-Vertices-Separate-Selection menu to separate them out into a new object. • 3) With the new object, I used Extrude Individual to give it some depth. • 4) My newly extruded faces had some gaps, so then I used the Merge feature to combine vertices into single points and close up the gaps. • 5) Finally I used Inset and Extrude Region features to hollow out my bottom piece. • In retrospect, my design cold have been accomplished much easier by using the Boolean Difference modifier and subtracting objects from each other. • If you have a different size filament spool, it would be easy to replicate the design. In fact, it could be accomplished in a program as accessible as TinkerCAD, which I demo in the video. • Blender is not for everyone, but if you are interested in learning it, many of the tools I used (and the Boolean Difference I should have used) are all covered in my book, Blender 3D Printing by Example. • • Finally, if you are interested in turning your filament spools into planters, but are not drawn to my design, check out the Stackable 3D Filament Spool Garden by Tanya Wiesner. •