GMM TV ህያው ምስክር part 1 መላእክትን ሁል ጊዜ አያቸዋለሁ አናግራቸዋለሁም ገዛኢ ዮሀንስ
#ህያው ምስክር መላእክትን ሁል ጊዜ አያቸዋለሁ አናግራቸዋለሁም! ማንም ሰው ላማመን በሚከብደው ደረጃ መንፈሳዊ መገለጦች ተገልጠውልኛል፣ መጀመሪያም ጌታን ያገኘሁት ሰው መስክሮልኝ አይደለም #ገዛኢ ዮሀንስ (የኤልሻዳይ መጽሔት አዘጋጅ) • The GMM TV International offers programs that are entertaining and educational, promoting a healthy Christian lifestyle through systematic Teaching, Preaching, Healing, Personal Testimonies, Praise and Worship, Healthy Living, News, Talk Shows featuring faith-based discussions, Inspirational lifestyle programming, Cooking, Secrets to Financial Freedom, Kids and Teens programmers, Music programs, Christianity Politics, Technology Innovation, Christian movies, Series, Documentaries, Women`s hour etc. among others, with a view to making the Gospel accessible to people from all walks of life. • Subscribe now for clips and new contents: / gmmtvethiopia • Check us out on... • Web Site : • Facebook: / gmmtvinternational • Twitter: / gmmtvinternational • Instagram: / gmmtvinternational