A Shorthand for Merging Dictionaries in Python 35
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=Duexw08KaC8
In Python 3.5 (and above) you can use a handy shorthand for merging/combining two or more dictionaries. This is part of the unpacking generalizations changes in Python 3.5. You can learn more about those here in PEP 448: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0... • The video doesn't show that this technique works with more than 2 dictionaries – but it actually works just fine for merging an arbitrary number of them. The syntax stays the same, for example: {**aa, **bb, **cc} • If you're interested in learning more Python tricks like the one I showed in the video – check out this experiment I'm running at the moment: https://dbader.org/python-tricks • * * • ► Weekly Tips for Python Developers: https://dbader.org/newsletter