Stages of HIV Infection
Stages of HIV infection OR HIV Stages, How can we identify the HIV Infection in stages? In this video, we'll go over what you need to know about HIV stages or AIDS stages, from the infection process to how it is transmitted. Learn how to reduce the chances of getting and spreading the virus. • To find a testing center near you, visit: • We also talked about how #Antiretroviral #therapy or #ART can help you to live a healthy life after getting infected, You will watch the stages of HIV infection and how it progresses in human body. At the end of the video, you will also watch how HIV is transmitted and what are the risks and precaution you can take to avoid contracting with HIV/AIDS. • #hivtest #aidsstages #aids #hivawareness #hivaids #hivstages #hivrnatestguide #hivtesting #hivvirus #hivcure #hiv #testhiv #hivrisk • Disclaimer: • This video is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We do not recommend that you follow the advice given in this video. This is for educational purposes only.