How to quotDirtyquot Dancefloor DNB Risers like Shockone Serum Tutorial
🔥 Master Dirty Dancefloor DNB Risers like Shockone - Serum Tutorial 🚀 • 🔊 Get ahead with our cutting-edge DNB Sound Design Mastery course: • 🎁 Enjoy a 50% pre-launch discount using code PreLaunch2024 • ⬇️ Access the presets, MIDI, and wavetables from this tutorial: • 💥 Check out our DNB Essentials Serum Preset pack: • 👽 Delve into our Belgian Jumpup DNB Serum Preset pack: • ✉️ Pre-register for our upcoming Start-to-Finish DNB course: • Timestamps: • 00:00 - What are we making and why is it cool? • 1:16 - Our Recreation • 1:34 - FM's all over the place bruv • 04:26 - Post-Filtered Distortion • 06:35 - Making it an actual riser • 08:21 - plz subscribe it helps the algorithm :) • Master the art of crafting dirty dancefloor DNB risers like Shockone with our comprehensive Serum Tutorial. Learn the techniques for selecting wavetables, creating stereo width, and applying FX to achieve that gritty, screechy sound that fits perfectly into your DNB tracks. • 🎯 Key Highlights: • Dive deep into crafting dirty dancefloor DNB risers. • Learn techniques for wavetable selection, stereo width, and FX application. • Discover the unique sound of Shockone, revered in the DNB community. • 📺 Join us as we explore the intricacies of crafting dirty dancefloor DNB risers. Learn how to infuse your tracks with the energy and intensity of Shockone, perfect for elevating your dancefloor DNB productions. • 🎧 Whether you're a seasoned producer or just starting out, this tutorial equips you with the skills to add the gritty edge of Shockone to your DNB tracks. • 🔔 Subscribe for more free music production tutorials and tips: • / @howtodnb • #ShockoneTutorial #DNBTutorial #DirtyDNB #DancefloorDNB #SerumTutorial #HowToDNB #ElectronicMusicProduction #SoundDesignBreakdown • 🔑 Keywords: Shockone Tutorial, DNB Tutorial, Dirty DNB, Dancefloor DNB, Serum Tutorial, How to DNB, Electronic Music Production, Sound Design Breakdown. • Tags: • how to make dancefloor dnb,shockone dnb tutorial,dirty dnb risers tutorial,screechy risers tutorial,dnb tutorial 2023,dancefloor dnb serum tutorial,how to dnb with serum,ableton tutorial,dirty dnb sound design,dirty dnb sound tutorial,free presets for dnb,ableton serum tutorial,how to make dnb like shockone,serum tutorial for dnb, sound design,dnb,drum,and,bass,liquid,neuro,jump,up,future,deep,stranjah,loopmasters,letssynthesize,edmprod,cymatics,academy,fm,pml,production,music,live,mastering,in,the,mix,andrew,huang,mr.,bill,moonboy,artfx,virtual,riot,reid,stefan,you,suck,at,producing,composerily sound design dnb drum and bass liquid neuro jump up stranjah letssynthesize edmprod cymatics production music live andrew huang mr. bill moonboy artfx virtual riot at how to dnb learn drum and bass freaks geeks serum tutorial dnb serum tutorial dancefloor dnb tutorial dancefloor dnb leads tutorial emotional leads tutorial how to make dancefloor dnb how to make dnb leads dnb bass tutorial howtodnb how to drum and bass how to jumpup remake recreation