How to Redirect Text InputOutput in Linux cat tee
Redirecting text and data in the Linux command-line is an essential part of system administration. In this video you'll learn how to use cat, tee, and the Bash redirection symbols. This will let you pass data between the standard out, standard in, and standard error file descriptors. • Scripting is an essential part of cybersecurity. Almost every command line tool has some kind of text output, including error messages. If you want to capture these messages to a log file or pipe them to other commands, redirection is the answer. • In Linux, every is a file, from links, sockets, to devices. What's printed on the terminal (standard out) is a special device file located at /dev/stdout. Error messages (standard error) are stored in /dev/stderr. Terminal input (standard error) are in /dev/stdin. • To better access these buffers, bash conveniently provides several shortcuts that references them. • The greater than arrow writes to standard out. • The greater than arrow with a 2 before it writes to standard error • The less than arrow reads from standard in. • When you display the contents of a file using the cat command, Bash actually passes the file's contents as input into the tool. Cat will then write the contents to the standard out file, which displays on the screen. • When you pipe a command's output to the tee command, it will write it to both standard out and a file of your choice. • In essence, anything that can be read or written from the terminal screen can be passed to a file. And vice versa. • 00:00 Introduction • 00:33 Key Principles for Bash Redirection • 00:49 Linux File Descriptors • 01:35 Redirecting Standard Output to a File • 01:50 Displaying a File with Cat • 02:00 Redirecting Data to Standard Input • 02:55 Appending Output to a File • 03:08 Truncating/Zeroing a File • 03:27 Tee Command (Write to Standard Out and a File) • 04:20 How to Use /dev/null • 05:10 Redirecting Standard Error to Standard Out • 05:40 Cat: Display Special Characters • 07:57 How to Redirect Multiple Lines with Here Documents • We’re open to ideas and suggestions for more commands. • Let us know in the comments below! • ____________________________________________ • FOLLOW and SUBSCRIBE! • ๐ YouTube: / cyberspatial • ๐ Twitter: / cyberspatial_hq • ๐ Facebook: / cyberspatial • ๐ Instagram: • / cyberspatial • ๐ LinkedIn: / cyberspatial • #Cyberspatial #LinuxTutorial #Bash
