Magneti Marelli Fuel Injection Tuner Harley Davidson


Where the MM fuel injection system on Harley Davidson motorcycles does not incorporate O2 sensors, making adjustments to the fuel mix is not complicated. I am installing a Gen 3 EFI Tuner most likely made by Dobeck Industries, Dobeck Performance, on my 1997 Harley Davidson Road King with 80ci (1340cc) motor. It has a sticker on the face for the Wild Pigs Pipes exhaust business, but everything else seems to be the same as the Dobeck stickered version. • Feel like buying me a coffee? Click here! • After some ride time, I now have the settings as follows: Green-0.5 (idle and cruising conditions), Yellow-4.5 (acceleration conditions, also seems to help with decel 'pops'), Red-1.0 (full throttle conditions), Green/Blue-0.5 (Feature allows adjustment of when the Green zone engages. Typically relates to an RPM value to determine if fuel adjustment should be allowed at idle or not), Yellow/Blue-4.0 (when the Yellow zone engages), Red/Blue-4.5 (when the Red zone full throttle engages). These fuel settings are a bit different than what Dobeck recommends for my bike, but I did start out with their settings. The bike is running and accelerating very well. Very happy with how this unit works and transforms the fuel injection delivery by holding the injectors open for just milliseconds longer than stock. • Here is Dobeck's website for this unit: • Base settings to get started are here: • This is their online-demo for adjusting the settings: • DISCLAIMER: MARK YOUNG MAKES NO WARRANTY/GUARANTEE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE RESULTS OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS VIDEO OR ON THIS PAGE/PLATFORM, DIRECTLY OR THROUGH THIRD PARTY SHARING. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL MARK YOUNG BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE IN ANY WAY FOR ANY CONTENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN THE CONTENT, EXPRESSLY OR IMPLIED, OR FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS A RESULT OF ANY CONTENT COMMUNICATED OR IMPLIED IN THIS VIDEO AND/OR ON THIS PAGE/PLATFORM, WHETHER BY MARK YOUNG OR ANY THIRD PARTY. IN NO EVENT SHALL MARK YOUNG BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY CERTAIN, SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OR USE OF ANY INFORMATION COMMUNICATED ASSOCIATED WITH THIS VIDEO AND/OR PAGE/PLATFORM. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED SHOULD NOT REPLACE PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. THIS AGREEMENT ALSO EXTENDS TO ANYONE AND/OR ANYTHING, THIRD PARTY, WHICH MAY BE ASSOCIATED WITH THIS VIDEO, PAGE/PLATFORM, AND/OR MARK YOUNG. MARK YOUNG MAY, AT ANY TIME, REVISE THE INFORMATION ON THIS VIDEO AND/OR PAGE/PLATFORM WITHOUT NOTICE, AND MAKES NO COMMITMENT TO UPDATE THIS INFORMATION. NECESSARY SAFETY EQUIPMENT/ENVIRONMENT, DISPLAYED OR NOT, DISCUSSED OR NOT, IS UP TO THE USER TO DETERMINE WHAT IS NEEDED FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY, THE SAFETY OF OTHERS, AND PROPERTY.


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