Setting up Lay Z Spa Vegas Lay Z Spa Instructions
Setting up Lay Z Spa Vegas | Lay Z Spa Instructions • As the summer is here we decided it was time to test out these hot tubs that everyone is going on about. We don't have space for a permanent one, so the Lay Z Spa Vegas was ideal as it is inflatable. • We've created a step by step instructional setup video to help anyone struggling with the installation of the Lay Z Spa Vegas,. I know that I had a few questions as I started, but it starts to make sense when you get going. • This is the Hot tub we bought • The Lay Z Spa Vegas has air jets and can heat the water to a temperature of 40 Degrees Celcius. Perfect for the British summer time. • This is the Hot tub we bought • It can hold 4 - 6 people, but I think realistically 4 people is cozy enough. • Tio setup the chemicals in the hot tub we bought a starter kit. Inside there is Chlorine Granules, PH up and down and foam remover. Keeping on top of your chlorine levels is essential for maintaining clean water. The filter needs to be changed daily, but we've found that you can extend its life by washing the filter out with a hose. • Check out our Blog • here is a link to our review of Wonderlab at the Science Museum • • Follow us on Twitter / • Follow us on Instagram / hcthehoopers • Like us on Facebook / herecomethehoopers