How to fix AhMyth interface not working signing failed error


A few people that have tried my updated version of AhMyth have told they were experiencing Signing Failed or Building Failed errors as well as the AhMyth interface being completely broken and unusable. • I have faced these problems many times before I made my fork of AhMyth and fixed a few of its major problems, so I made this video solely for the purpose of helping you guys understand why these errors are happening so you can fix them rather than just running the auto installer again. • • ================================================= • HOW TO INSTALL OPENJDK-8-JDK FROM DEBIAN STRETCH • ================================================= • 01. Run this command from the terminal to create a new deb.list • touch deb.list • 02. Now add the Debian Stretch repo below to the text file and save the changes • deb stretch main contrib non-free • 03. Now run this command to move the deb.list file to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ • sudo mv deb.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ • 04 . Now run the following command to install openjdk-8-jdk from Debian Stretch • sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk*/stretch • ============================================================================== • NOTE: You need to specify which software repo you want to install from if you are using different mirrors that hold JDK 8, if you do not do this you will cause breaks in your Java installations, running the above command will specify that you want openjdk-8-jdk installed from Debian Stretch ONLY, it will ignore all other software repositories and mirrors. • ==============================================================================


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