Running MEMZ and ÿexe at the same time
This video demonstrates running both MEMZ and ÿ at the same time in different ways. Who will win? I would not recommend watching this if you have photosensitive epilepsy or something similar. • This malware has been originally written for Joel and is the second part of OIETIF. • Joel tried it during the VineOS Destruction Stream: • Vargskelethor - VineOS Windows Destru... • Also, Siams Video: • ÿ.exe | Windows XP ultimate death • SOCIAL MEDIA STUFF ALL YOUTUBERS PUT INTO THEIR DESCRIPTION: • Discord: / discord • Twitter: / leurak47 • DISCLAIMER: • Everything shown in this video has been done for educational purposes in a safe, controlled testing environment only. I do NOT encourage people to do something like this themselves. NEVER use malware, ways to destroy computers or even joke programs on your own or other people's computers, not even with their consent, as this can have bad, unforeseen consequences. • Ironically used overused royalty free music credit I'm forced to put here: • Local Forecast - Elevator Kevin MacLeod ( • Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License •