Cripps Mission 1942 Detailed Explanation In Hindi
My Insta Profile Link - / hrsht.dwivedi • The English Version of the video can be found at - • Cripps Mission 1942 Detailed Explanat... • What Congress Ministries Did in 1937 During 28 Months Rule in Indian Freedom Struggle - • What Congress Ministries Did in 1937 ... • Cripps Mission was an effort by the British Government to win the support of Indians in World War 2 as the dangers in the eastern corridors were increasing as the Japanese were coming nearer day by day and Britain was also suffering from numerous reverses in World War 2. Cripps Proposal actually gave nothing to the Indians and was just and arrangement to pacify the Indians for the time being. Cripps Proposal was rejected by all political parties including Muslim League, Hindu Mahasabha and Indian National Congress. Please watch the video for more details.....