Secrets of Water The Universal Solvent You Never Knew About 💧


📌 Receive Comprehensive Mathematics Practice Papers Weekly for FREE • Click this link to get: ▶️▶️▶️ ◀️◀️◀️ • Dive into the fascinating world of water, the universal solvent that's the key to life itself! 💧 Did you know water's polarity is like magic, making it mix with almost anything? Water's role is indispensable from making your morning coffee to the plants in your garden. But there's more to it. In biology, water is the unsung hero that carries essential nutrients, oxygen, and even your body's waste. It's the lifeblood of living organisms. Watch this video to unlock the secrets of water's vital role as a universal solvent and learn how it's crucial for everything from maintaining cell balance to nurturing life on Earth. Don't miss out on the secrets you never knew about water! 🌊🔬 #Biology #WaterMagic #UniversalSolvent • A solvent is any substance that dissolves another substance. The substance being dissolved is called a solute. Both mixed together, a solute and a solvent make a solution. For example, a teaspoon of sugar (solute), dissolved in 200 ml of water (solvent) makes a solution. Water and alcohol (ethanol) are commonly used solvents, particularly for use in products that are applied to the skin of or ingested by people. E.g. of water on the skin – moisturiser (feels ‘wet’) E.g. of alcohol on the skin – hand sanitiser (dries fast on the skin). Water Polarity. Water is a polar molecule (shown by positive and negative structures). Polar molecules are charged with a positive at one end and a negative at the other, similar to magnets. • Polar molecules are happier to mix with other substances. In everyday life, we use water as a solvent for Making tea or coffee, Showering and using soap, and watering gardens; it is a medium for nutrients to be absorbed into the plants, To cook with, and it is the base of most soups. To clean the house with – adding cleaning products. Water is the Universal Solvent. Water is essential for life. It makes up between 70% and 90% of living organisms. • Without water, we would not survive. Water is recognised as the universal solvent in which most substances dissolve and is the transport medium for distributing them. Water is an extremely important solvent as it dissolves necessary substances such as sugar and gases that are needed, especially in the human body- but also water does not react with any of the substances! Water can transport gases like carbon dioxide and oxygen, wastes such as urea, nutrients in limited amounts such as salt and vitamins and sugar in the form of glucose to other parts of the body, for example, muscles, organs or excretion. • Blood plasma is made up of 90% water. Water is essential for all the cell's reactions. These reactions only occur when the two reacting substances are dissolved (in water). For example, seeds will not germinate without a certain amount of water in the seed. Also, within the cell, water is still necessary for transport and moving substances around the cell. In-plant cells, water is necessary for making the cell turgid (stiff). • If plants are not watered, they will become flaccid (wilted). Water Balance is Crucial. Living organisms try to ensure that the water balance is maintained in their cells and the concentration of solutes is held constant so that the cells can function properly. Too much water in animal cells and they explode! Too little water and cells shrink and die. Transport in multicellular animals is necessary to move nutrients and wastes around the body. This occurs in a watery medium, usually blood or lymph. Water is the universal solvent to dissolve many substances. • These dissolved substances can be involved in chemical reactions within cells and can be transported within organisms. Cells may be damaged if there is too much or not enough water.


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