How to Write a Rejection Letter Great Example Letter Included
In this video I teach you how to write a rejection letter, and I review an example of a rejection letter that was so good that the person who received it framed it and hung it on his wall. • • We all get rejected. There was a time in my academic career when I was rejected for 10 grant proposals in a row. • Ouch. • Each rejection letter was hard to receive, but some were much • better than others. • It is hard to write a good rejection letter. • Rejection is intrinsically threatening to the other person's self-esteem. • If you don't do it well, you risk hurting the other person, damaging the relationship, and making yourself and your organization look bad. • But if you do it well, you can write a letter that gets the job done and preserves the relationship. • As in so many other tough communication situations, the trick is to do what needs to be done and still maintain the friendship or business relationship. • With skill and practice it is even possible to write rejection letters that people value. • There has been a #ShareYourRejections meme going around Twitter lately, where people post their rejections and tell stories about the rejections they've received. • One guy got a rejection letter that was written so well that he framed it and hung it on the wall of his office! • In the video linked below, I analyze that framed rejection letter. Watch the video to find out how to: • 1. Write a rejection letter with class and style. • 2. Use a killer technique for all types of criticism and negative feedback • 3. Preface your bad news in a way that lets the recipient get emotionally ready to receive it. • Question of the Day: What is the best or worst rejection letter you have ever received? • Let me know in the comments. • Thanks for your attention. I know your time is valuable, and I appreciate when you spend some of it with me.