Ultranodal States in Multiband Superconductors Microscopic Origins by Andreas Kreisel

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Discussion Meeting • Kagome off-scale • ORGANIZERS: Yasir Iqbal (IIT Madras, India) and Ronny Thomale (Julius Maximilians University of Wurzburg, Germany) • DATE TIME: 12 August 2024 to 16 August 2024 • VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bengaluru • This meeting focuses on the recent advances taking place in our understanding of kagome metals with a particular emphasis on following sub-fields: • 1. Intertwined Density-wave and Superconducting order • 2. Leading and subleading nematic fluctuations • 3. Itinerant vs Localized Magnetism and Electronic instabilities • The subtle interdependence of Fermiology, interactions, and a multi-sublattice unit cell lies at the heart of the intriguing scenario of correlated electrons in a kagome metal. While typical metallic parent states feature Fermi surface instabilities dictated by screened Coulomb interactions recast by a Hubbard coupling U , the sublattice interference in kagome metals naturally render longer-randed coupling pivotal in understanding the effective interactions of electronic states at and around the Fermi level. Together with a likewise intriguing characteristic phonon spectrum and possibly significant electron-phonon coupling, kagome metals present themselves as a particularly rich correlated electron setting in which multiple domains of exotic electronic order should be readily accessible. Since their first discovery in 2018 as itinerant ferromagnets and pristine metallic parent states since 2020, kagome metals have already brought about rare or even unprecedented electronic orders, such as a charge density wave and a superconductor with time reversal symmetry breaking. It is to be expected that the multitude of phases will grow significantly as the field is expanding into alternative material classes that are promising hosts for kagome metals, and that a fruitful exchange of theoretical ideas and experimental discoveries is likely to form kagome metals into a new vibrant major field of strongly correlated electron systems. • Accommodation will be provided for outstation participants at our on campus guest house. • ICTS is committed to building an environment that is inclusive, non-discriminatory and welcoming of diverse individuals. We especially encourage the participation of women and other under-represented groups. • CONTACT US • [email protected] • PROGRAM LINK • https://www.icts.res.in/discussion-me...


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