Religions in Australia Main Religion in Australia
Here are the most common Religions in Australia, Christianity has been the main religion in Australia for more than 2 centuries, but now Non-Religions are the biggest groups in Australia • Click here: • Stats in this video may differ as we are only showing the top 15 groups of regions. Trailing aggregation method is used. • As per census In 2016, 30.1% of Australians stated no religion and a further 9.6% chose not to answer the question. Other faiths include Muslims (2.6%), Buddhists (2.4%), Hindus (1.9%), Sikhs (0.5%), and Jews (0.4%). Most Rapid increase is found in Islam, and no religion. • As per census 2016, Islam and Australian Aboriginal traditional beliefs were the religions with the youngest median age (27 years), while Christianity and Judaism both have a median age of 44 years. • Though, Australia is a secular country, with a high degree of religious freedom and religious diversity. State and religious groups are maintained as separate entities, religious institutions continue to play a large role in Australian society. For example, many primary and secondary schools, hospitals, aged-care facilities and charity organisations are owned and funded by religious organisations. • #ReligionsinAustralia #MainReligioninAustralia #Australianreligion