Sewer Creature Vs Ratking a comparison The Last of Us Part 2


In this video I compare similarities between the noise coming from the sewer tunnel and the ratking, side by side. • Although they sound similar, it can't be the same ratking. Due to location and timing. The ratking was still locked inside the hospital when Ellie was down in the sewers. • We can know this by roughly calculating the time between Abby's capture, release, and when WLF confront Nora to the generator turning on. One day when I feel like narrating my videos, I will fully explain in detail how it can't be the same ratking. There are many clues that tell us where Abby and Ellie are at certain times during the hospital chapter. For instance, • 🔻When the WLF say wtf is the power doing on? meaning that Abby started the generator before Ellie and Nora fell. • 🔻How light it is outside when Ellie arrives and Abby leaves and almost punches Lev. • 🔻How far the Ratking would have to travel in the Sewer BEFORE he encountered Abby. (we can tell by how far Ellie travels from sewer to hospital) • 🔻the fact that the Ratking was confined behind a locked door that only unlocked when the power was turned on. • 🔻Ellie and Nora should have been able to hear the Ratking fight when they fell into the basement. but there are no Ratking sounds. which means the big Ratking was dead. • 🔻when Ellie crawls through the vent, listening to WLF confront Nora about Abby's disappearance. These are the same WLF that Nora asks to grab a few more boxes ( c'mon I don't wanna be here all day ). That tells us that it has been a short period of time between Nora uncuffing Abby, and Ellie crawling in the vent. at least long enough for the WLF to get boxes and load them onto a boat. • 🔻changes in the environment when Ellie arrives. • There are more clues to explain, for those who are still not convinced. • In addition, I was told in the comments that ‪@Speclizer‬ made a video going out of bounds to see if anything was in the Sewer, where the sound was coming from. They found nothing in the tunnel. (Speclizer is an AWESOME channel go check them out!) This doesn't necessarily mean that the devs intended us to believe nothing was back there... But we can certainly keep that in mind. • I want SO BADLY for there to be something creepy back there. It would be a wicked Easter egg if they intended Ellie to hear the ratking just before Abby encountered it... But it just can't work in my opinion. • ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT THE NOISES ARE JUST MISINTERPRETED AMBIANCE!!! They are way to rumbly and creepy. It has to be something. • ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ • • Click the link for the video investigating the sewer creature, so you can hear the full, uninterrupted creepy noises coming from the tunnel: •    • Another Ratking? Sewer Infected? Nois...   • It's worth noting that I constantly send my subbies the best vibes. • Below's my gametags socials if you're interested. 🔻🔻🔻 • 🎮 PSN: 🖤 bexxyrae 🖤 • 📷 Instagram: 🖤 bexxyrae_ 🖤 • 🎥 Twitch: 🖤 bexxyrae 🖤 • 🖲️ Steam: 🖤 bexxyrae 🖤 • 🐦 Twitter: 🖤 bexyrae_ 🖤 • 🍃 Nintendo: 🖤 SW-4247-6240-5820 🖤 • The best way to contact me is through PSN, • or Email: • 🖤 [email protected] 🖤


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