Fan Speed RPM Measurement using IR Sensor and Arduino Tachometer
In this project we have designed Digital Tachometer using IR Sensor with Arduino for measuring the number of rotations of rotating Motor in RPM. Simply we have interfaced IR sensor module with Arduino and 16*2 LCD module for display. The IR sensor module consists of IR Transmitter Receiver in a single pair that can work a Digital Tachometer for speed measurement of any rotating object. • Tachometer is a RPM counter which counts the no. of rotation per minute. There are two types of tachometer one mechanical and other one is digital. Here we are going to design an Arduino based digital tachometer using IR sensor module to detect object for count rotation of any rotating body. As IR transmits IR rays which reflect back to IR receiver and then IR Module generates an output or pulse which is detected by the arduino controller and instantaneous value is displayed on LCD. • Source Code/Program : • • Drop a like if you liked this video. • Don't forget to subscribe our channel for more Electronics project and tutorials. • Website: • Facebook: / electronicsbyalex