Saluki 991 Dog Breeds


The Saluki. At first this dog may come across as reserved and quite aloof, but give her a chance to get to know you and you’ll see just how devoted she is to both you and your family. This girl is incredibly gentle around children, although her temperament may not be enough to satisfy the most playful of kids. • Her extreme sensitivity means that she finds rough play or harsh conditions distressing; she longs for a peaceful life and is actually quite shy. • Running is in her blood and she does so at great speeds, usually after some poor unsuspecting animals. Be careful too, as she won’t always answer to your call. • Exercise is very important for her. She’ll need a long walk or jog every day, though a good run in a safe area would be even better. These dogs tend to be fussy eaters, which only adds to their skinny looks; a nice warm and cosy bed is essential for this slender lady. • Interesting facts: This breed is one of the most ancient of domesticated dogs, with references to the breed observed on Egyptian tombs from as far back as 3000 BC. • The Saluki. A calm and understated gem, whose devotion is in no doubt. • • #dogs #dogbreeds #adoptdontshop


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