Tiny 7Segment Counter Display Minecraft
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=E7IiDK2S5ZM
⇩ All my links ⇩ • https://linktr.ee/maizumagames • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • A 3x5 numeric display that counts, carries and resets. I believe it's the smallest ever done with such functionalities. You can link multiple units side by side and they will carry pulses through a single • block! • The design exploits statistical correlations between the segments so it requires only 5 blocks of data per digit to control all the 7 segments! • It was designed in Minecraft 1.12 last year but it works in all newer versions (1.16 currently) • The awesome edit you watched was done by YDYT, do check him out! • YDYT: / ydytgaming