🍊🌱Leaf Gem stoned NecklaceChocker Touterial soohandmade
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GEM WRAPPED NECKLACE / chocker • Crystal Quartz stone ,with leaf design and decorative • TOUTERIAL EASY FAST • Do it yourself [Step by step] learn how to make this macrame micro CHOCKER /NECKLACE w • 🌟Supplies you need • 📌 Waxed thread 1 mm thick • 📌you can use a Cork and some needles or also a flat surface and tape . • 📌Scissors • 📌Lighter • 📌Measure tape or ruler • 📌Any stone suitable for this pendant I used square stone 2×2 cm • 🌟Wrap thread measurements , • stone size about 2×2 cm • 📌 2 strings 60 cm • 📌1 string 120 cm • 📌 2 strings 40 cm one orange one green • 📌 1 green string 30 cm • Strap measurements • 📌3×120 cm • 📌other string measurements and color is in the touterial • 📌 slide knot 25 cm • Necessary information is in the touterial. • The only thing I have to mention is that full stone wrapping touterial is on my channel. • Link will be add to make it easy to find it. • Hi everyone 👋 • welcome to my channel • I'm trying to make my macrame touterial videos as short as possible not to waste your time . • If you are watching my channel for the first time, you can subscribe not to miss my other touterials .❤️ • You can support me by sharing my touterials on social networks. 🙏❤️ • You make me feel on the moon if you like the touterial ❤️ • Everything is explained in the touterial • But I put the necessary information here as well. • I hope you make it and enjoy it🙂 • Please like ❤️ the touterials • Share it • Comment it • Love you all • @soohandmade • #gemwrapping • #gemwrappingtutorial • #stonewrapping • #stonewrappingtouterial • #stonewrappednecklace • #macramemicro • #chocker • #chockertouterials • #macramechocker • #macramemicrobracelet • #stonewrapping #stonecrafts #stonework • #macramejewelry #jewellerytechniques #micromacrame #micromacramenecklace #necklacetouterial#alphabracelet #cheverontouterials • What is micro macramé? • What is micro macramé? As its name suggests, micro macramé is macramé but much smaller. The knotting technique remains the same, it is the threads used that change. For micro macramé, they are thinner to be able to make beautiful DIY jewelry with knots. • • DIY Knotical knowledge • The history of macrame is fascinating. Humans have been tying “functional” knots since the prehistoric period. Macramé’s knot-tying origins can be traced back to 13th-century Arabic decorative weavers who used the knots to secure loose ends of woven textiles, like towels and shawls. Many believe the term “macramé” comes from the Arabic word migramah or “fringe.” • Beginning in the 1700s, European sailors spread the knowledge of tying knots around the world. This knowledge was considered “common property” and sailors bartered their prized knot knowledge for instruction on unfamiliar knots. Eventually, this knowledge was so widely distributed that it grew into a world Knot wide folk tradition • Knot your average craft • Sailors weren’t the only ones spreading the Arabic techniques. The Moors introduced macramé to Spain in the 15th century. Macramé eventually made its way to France, Italy and England. Even Queen Mary II taught her ladies-in-waiting the skill. The Victorian Era saw another surge in the art form as a popular hobby for women and macramé details decorated nearly everything. • In the mid-1800s when libraries became regular installments on boats in an effort to educate sailors, knot-tying fell to the wayside both on sea and shore. After all it is difficult to hold a book and use your hands for knot tying. I recommend using the audiobooks on Hoopla or OverDrive if you are going to try this at home. According to The Ashley Book of Knots, sailors eventually returned to knot-tying in the second quarter of the 20th century due to the freedom of a little device called the radio. • 00:00 introduction of macrame chocker • 00:45 wrap weaving • 06:20 step 1 micro macrame bracelet • 14:08 step 2 micromacrame necklace • 18:05 making the strap • 19:05 making the strap decorative