Hollow Knight Bonfire Mod 107 Playthrough

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=E91480soCW8

A mostly complete (107%) playthrough of the Bonfire mod created by Gradow. I felt that playing through the bulk of the game and defeating the Hollow Knight and Radiance was sufficient since Godhome awards no geo and so you can't level up further there. Among the curiosities here are an invisible Hollow Knight (Hornet gets in on that invisibility cloak action). Slight mistakes made toward the end in remembering all the loose ends including forgetting one final grub for a bit. • The bonfire mod creates a leveling system based on paying geo at benches to increase one of six stats and your overall level. It is the Dark Souls of leveling mods. As you level up, the HP of enemies scale to your level (notes on the scaling suggest killing dreamers would also boost the HP of everything but it didn't seem that way in practice). I use the enemy HP bar mod to show enemy HP increasing. • Exact stat and scaling notes can be found at https://goo.gl/WVk8Ss • I found one point in Wisdom and Resistance to be great. A point in Wisdom has nail strikes generate soul as if wearing Soul Catcher and you passively regenerate soul. A point in Resistance gives a 22%(!) chance to not take damage (this probably should have started at 5% at level 1). Unfortunately, Intelligence is bugged in boosting the damage of Vengeful Spirit and Shade Soul, so focusing Strength and playing a nail build seems best. With some Luck and Dexterity to boost critical hits you can overpower most stuff easily. • The leveling system was fun to play with. If Intelligence was fixed a spell build might be fun to try with more points in Wisdom. A mild criticism is that since you now need to raise geo for leveling and upgrades it can be slightly difficult to do both. I opted to use Fragile Greed for most of the run and a few points in Luck had me reach level 28, but that seemed more than sufficient and my nail damage was crazy high (good leveling choices makes you pretty OP). Another small criticism is that the HP scaling might be better tied to beating bosses than leveling itself (since it looks like the intention was for HP boosts after killing a dreamer) so that instead of feeling like you may be falling behind if you level poorly - although a respec option does exist! - you feel leveling is needed to meet the stronger foes. These are small things though and overall this is an interesting mod and I had a good bit of fun with it. • Rambling aside, if you're wanting to try this, it can be installed through the mod installer on the HK Discord modding channel in pinned messages. • The HK Discord link is https://discordapp.com/invite/hollowk...


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