Yaesu FT891 CW Filtering

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=EAQogdsSQVU

The Yaesu FT-891 is my SOTA (Summits On The Air) HF radio of choice. I also run one as my mobile. I’m preparing for a SOTA outing tomorrow, so I thought I would pull the FT-891 out to test it. I’ve not shot a video with it before so I thought I would show you the CW filtering capabilities. This little radio will give the big boys a run for the money. • I mentioned in the video that I have zero complaints about the FT-891. Let me clarify. On CW that is certainly the case. On SSB running it in my truck, I pick up engine noise. The noise blanker in my old FT-890 could knock the engine noise out with no discernible degradation to the received signal. The FT-891 NB can knock it down by approximately 90%. But stations with a strong signal, S9+, will sound somewhat distorted. But other than the weak noise blanker, I have no complaints about the FT-891. • I hope you enjoy this video and find it helpful. If you find my channel informative and entertaining, I hope you will consider joining my support group by clicking on: www.patreon.com/N4HNH There are 3 levels of support, including exclusive content. Patreon team members gain insight from our technical discussions and internal polls. They also have the opportunity to view certain videos before they are released for public viewing. • N4HNH Radio has a Web site, where you can purchase T-shirts with some of the sayings you might hear in the videos. Some of the more prominent videos are featured there as well as a page geared toward ham radio training. Go to: https://www.n4hnhradio.com • Another great way to help support this channel is to click subscribe. • 73, de N4HNH


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