How to Do amp Improve the Curtsy Lunge
Curtsy lunges are one of the most effective exercises you can do to strengthen and tone the butt and legs (especially inner thighs). Here is how to properly execute a curtsy lunge, as well as mistakes to avoid. • FREE Workout Download: (No equipment needed so you can do it anywhere!) • If you want more workouts go to • and use code YT20 for 20% off anything in my shop. • WATCH MY LAST VIDEO: • BECOME A SARA HALEY MAMA: • Hi Mama! I’m Sara Haley and I share videos every WEDNESDAY offering tips on how to be the healthiest, happiest mama you can be. I share my expert pre post natal workouts, family-friendly recipes, and fun ways to keep you and your entire crew healthy and happy. Plus, I'll introduce you to some of my favorite people who’s advice and expertise help me be a better mama, and of course, I rant and rave about trying to balance WHO and WHAT I love. Subscribe! • WEBSITE: • TWITTER: / sarahaleyfit • FACEBOOK: / sarahaleyfit • INSTAGRAM: / sarahaleyfit • PERISCOPE: • PINTEREST: / sarahaleyfit • SUBSCRIBE: / sarahaleyfit • LET'S COLLABORATE: [email protected] • Thanks for watching and don't forget: Being a Mama is the most rewarding and hardest job out there, so remember to enjoy it! You are a true superhero!