Deconstructing Wes Cravens New Nightmare
Freddy Krueger has always been an intriguing character. But it wasn't until 1994 that he was given a bit of a makeover, along with a darker edge. And after years of Freddy being mostly a quipster, this was a welcome change. So join us as we get into the fourth wall breaking of Wes Craven's New Nightmare. • WATCH OR OWN THE FILM HERE: • Written, Narrated, and Edited by Kier Gomes • Produced by John Fallon and Tyler Nichols • Executive Produced by Berge Garabedian • SERIES SYNOPSIS: DECONSTRUCTING is a monthly web series in which we choose one of your favorite horror movies and take it apart piece by piece (lovingly, of course) to see what makes it a classic. Each episode examines the origins, legacy and mysteries behind our beloved genre's most iconic titles... but we play fast and loose with the rules, so expect the unexpected! • For more HORROR MOVIE NEWS, visit: • SUBSCRIBE for all the LATEST JoBlo Horror Originals Here: • #wescraven #newnightmare #deconstructing #joblohorror