How to Create Clipping Masks Inside Adobe Illustrator CC
In Adobe Illustrator a clipping Mask is a shape (called a clipping path) that masks any object below it, so only what’s inside of the clipping path is visible. A mask can take the shape of a rectangle, a circle, or any vector shape and any artwork can be masked. • About Adobe Illustrator clipping masks • ▶ The clipping path should always be on top of the object you would like to clip. • ▶ You can only have one clipping path but more than one object can be clipped. • ▶ Clipped objects must be in the same layer or group. • More from Elias Sarantopoulos ❤ • Creative tutorials from Elias Sarantopoulos. Helping you develop your skills with Affinity Designer, Adobe Illustrator, After Effects, and Bootstrap tutorials. • Website! • ▶ Helping You Develop - • Flickr! • ▶ • Instagram! • ▶ / pixeliasdotcom • Twitter! • ▶ / pixeliasdotcom • Subscribe! • ▶ / @eliassarantopoulos