Chopin Etude Op 25 No 2 F Minor Bees 4KHD


Frederic Chopin Etude Op. 25 No. 2 in F minor (Bees) played by Anastasia Huppmann in Vienna, Austria. • Even though marked Presto, this Frederic Chopin´s Etude Op. 25 No. 2 in F minor is one of the softer, more lyrical Chopin etudes, with the right hand playing quiet eighth note triplets throughout. Like the Revolutionary Etude, the notes are not difficult as long as the proper fingering is learned; the primary difficulty here is the polyrhythm. The right hand, being in triplets, will naturally have its accents on every third or every sixth note. The left hand, however, does not play one note for every three the right hand plays. Rather, it is in quarter note triplets – it plays one note for every two notes in the right hand. This is similar to the situation found before the G minor arpeggios and introduction of the second theme in Chopin’s Ballade No. 1. Thus, a polyrhythm is established, and it is precisely this polyrhythm that makes this piece so difficult. Perfecting the right hand by itself is easy, and perfecting the left hand by itself is even easier. The problem lies in putting the two hands together! • Follow Anastasia on: • Facebook:   / huppmannanastasia   • iTunes: • Spotify: • Twitter: • Instagram:   / anastasia_huppmann   • ❤️ ❤️ • Chopin Etude Op 25 No 2 F Minor wird gespielt von Anastasia Huppmann im Wiener Kempinski Hotel. Etude Op. 25 No. 2 in F minor/ Etüde Op. 25 Nr. 2 f-Moll von Frederic Chopin ist eine der weicheren, lyrischen Chopin-Etüden, die mit ihrer edlen Eleganz Pianisten und deren Zuhörer Jahrhunderte lang begeistert hat. Und heute noch begeistert. Die Idee des Videos wurde durch das Zitat: “The one thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give enough of is love”, von Henry Miller inspiriert • Wir möchten unseren Dank und Lob an das Kempinski Wien Team für die tolle Organisation und Betreuung aussprechen. • Aufgenommen mit der neuen Sony FDR-AX100 in 4K Qualität • Фредерик Шопен этюд опус 25 номер 2 фа минор.


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