The Shekinah or Wisdom Goddess
One of the most powerful avatars of the Divine Feminine Principle is the Shekinah of God. Although considered the manifestation of the Wisdom Goddess in the Kabbalah, the roots of the Shekinah go farther back in history and are older than Judaism. The Wisdom Goddess appeared in Sumerian and Egyptian times, cross-pollinating with various civilizations throughout history and remaining one of the main deities in most ancient cultures. She even became a centerpiece in Gnosticism, often called Sophia, Eve or Barbelo. Although patriarchal theology slowly erased her from the occident, the Shekinah and Wisdom Goddess templates survived in Islam and Christianity (and have certainly thrived in modern occultism). We take a comprehensive voyage into the origins and evolution of the Shekinah of God in her various aspects, from Inanna to the Virgin Mary, from Isis to the Holy Spirit. And find the salvific gifts she can offer us in an era of great crisis and imbalance. • Astral guest—Sorita d’Este, author of The Cosmic Shekinah • More information on Sorita: • Listen/Download this or all other shows at: • Become a patron of Aeon Byte: / aeonbyte