OMD Secret 88 Remix Edit Cagliari Teil 2


Secret is a 1985 song by English electronic band Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD), released as the second single from their album Crush. Paul Humphreys sings lead vocals on the track. It became their second US Billboard Hot 100 entry, peaking at number 63, and also made number 34 on the UK Singles Chart. • The song was featured in the 1988 movie Arthur 2: On the Rocks and on its soundtrack album; it was also re-released to radio in the US. • • #Cagliari is the largest city in Sardinia and the capital of the autonomous Italian region of Sardinia. The old town of Cagliari is called Castello and is located on a hilltop from which you can overlook the entire Gulf of Cagliari. • The square, popular with tourists and locals, was built in 1901 on the old bastion from the Piedmontese period as a viewing terrace and meeting place for the city's population. • The cathedral of Cagliari, the Cathedral of Santa Maria di Castello, is the episcopal church of the Archdiocese of Cagliari and was originally built by the Pisans in the Romanesque-Pisan style from 1217 onwards. • • Cagliari ist die größte Stadt Sardiniens, Hauptstadt der autonomen italienischen Region Sardinien. Die Altstadt von Cagliari heißt Castello und liegt auf einer Hügelkuppe, von der aus man den gesamten Golf von Cagliari überblicken kann. • Der bei Touristen und Einheimischen beliebte Platz wurde 1901 auf der alten Bastion aus piemontesischer Zeit als Aussichtsterrasse und Treffpunkt der Stadtbevölkerung errichtet. • Der Dom zu Cagliari, die Kathedrale Santa Maria di Castello, ist Bischofskirche des Erzbistums Cagliari und wurde ursprünglich ab 1217 von den Pisanern im romanisch-pisanischen Stil errichtet.


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